

相争不下,索性各按自己的偏好买了一网兜,都很不服气的样子,暗笑时方不 会享受真正的生活。   

译文一:We couldn't settle the argument and each just bought a string bagful of the kind we respectively favored. and each secretly laughed at the other who didn't know how to enjoy real life.  

 译文二:Not being able to settle the argument as to which was better, we just each bought a string bagful of the kind we respectively favored. each secretly laughing at the other's inability to enjoy the real pleasures of life.   

本例话题或主语(我们)承前省略,其后为四个流水句式,颇 类似于连动结构,只是各小句之间出现了逗号。译成英语时,不宜将所有内容全部塞 进井列结构,而应该首先找出句子信息焦点并与主语构成完整的句子主干,然后将表 示限定、原因或情状的次要信息放进定语从句、非谓语短语及独立主格结构.    关于句子层面的表达问题,最后尚有两点需要补充说明:首先,汉译英过程 中,应当注意某些形合或衔接现象使用上的规范性。


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