


 译文一:Thus looking at the splendid flowers around the yard, my grudge vanished without a single word to say.   

译文二:Facing the splendid flower blossoming in the yard, without saying any word. the dissatisfaction in my mind had already gone away.   

译文三:Seeing the blossomed flowers in the yard silently, that discontent in my heart disappeared in this way.   

译者能够有意识地运用非谓语形式将信息结构层次化,这一点是应该肯定的. 但必须指出的是,三种译文中均出现了“垂悬分词”或“垂悬修饰语”这种不规范 表述形式。从而导致了翻译中的硬伤。


译文四:Facing the riotous flowers in the yard. I found all my grudges quietly dispelled.   

译文五:The flowers in the yard presenting a riot of color before my eyes, all my grudges were thus quietly dispelled.


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